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Myopia, 'short-sightedness' or 'near-sightedness', causes people to have difficulty seeing distant objects clearly. Caused by the gradual elongation of the eyeball, myopia affects more than a billion people around the world.
Dangers of Myopia
Blurry vision and stronger glasses with thicker lenses is the least of our worries. We now
Myopia, 'short-sightedness' or 'near-sightedness', causes people to have difficulty seeing distant objects clearly. Caused by the gradual elongation of the eyeball, myopia affects more than a billion people around the world.
Dangers of Myopia
Blurry vision and stronger glasses with thicker lenses is the least of our worries. We now know progressive myopia increases the risks of serious eye conditions, which may lead to permanent blindness.
Clinical research tells us that myopia leads to a significant increase in the risk of certain eye diseases like retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma and myopic macular degeneration, which can all lead to blindness.
Until recently, researchers believed that only severely myopic patients are at risk. Recent studies confirms an increase in the risk of eye diseases from any amount of myopia.
Patients with up to -3.00D of myopia has 3x the risk, up to -6.00D has 5x the risk and over -9.00D has 7-9x the risk of these myopia diseases.
Regular glasses and contact lenses can help us see clearer, but they don’t address the underlying danger: an elongated eyeball that is structurally weakened.
Check out the myths & facts
below at
The International Myopia Institute
Prevalence, Key Findings, Future Epidemic, Impact for
Patients and Doctors
Myopia affects many school-aged children and is fast becoming a major public health issue of our time. It is estimated about 2 billion people worldwide are myopic.
It will grow to a staggering 2.6 billion by 2020 and 4.8 billion by 2050.
It is estimated that half the world’s population will be myopic by 2050.
The prevalence of myopia i
Myopia affects many school-aged children and is fast becoming a major public health issue of our time. It is estimated about 2 billion people worldwide are myopic.
It will grow to a staggering 2.6 billion by 2020 and 4.8 billion by 2050.
It is estimated that half the world’s population will be myopic by 2050.
The prevalence of myopia is about
42 percent in the United States, and
up to 82 percent or higher
in the Asian population,
especially in China.
The incidence of myopia are increasing.
From 1994, in a span of twenty years, myopia prevalence in the United States had grown
from 22 to 42 % of the population.
In Honk Kong and mainland China,
it grew from 42 to 82 %.
In October, 2016,
the World Health Organization (WHO)
released the report
"The Impact of Myopia and High Myopia"
to address the public health issue of myopia, the classification of myopia, evidence for treatments, and the need to take action.
The scientific evidence
continues to show that
myopic eyes of any prescription
are more vulnerable to sight-threatening complications and diseases
which could affect your child as they age.
Leading researchers now believe there is
no safe amount of myopia,
no matter how small.
Check out the Infographic at:
The International Myopia Institute
with an Advisory Board of International doctors.
Advancing myopia research and education,
to prevent future blindness.
As parents, it is alarming to see our child’s myopia progressing every year, especially for those of us who are highly myopic.
We remember the inconvenience and the negative social aspect of having glasses. Now we also worry about the increased risk of myopic eye disease.
Other than genetics, many studies now point to environmental and be
As parents, it is alarming to see our child’s myopia progressing every year, especially for those of us who are highly myopic.
We remember the inconvenience and the negative social aspect of having glasses. Now we also worry about the increased risk of myopic eye disease.
Other than genetics, many studies now point to environmental and behavioral factors such as increased screen time and reduced outdoor activities contributing to the myopia epidemic.
But now there is something we can do about myopia progression.
Something you can do about your child’s worsening vision beyond getting stronger and stronger glasses every year.
Clinical studies prove that it is possible to slow down significantly the progression of myopia in children, giving them better vision for life.
Instead of just “correcting” their myopia
with thicker glasses,
our AOK Eye Braces & Myopia Control Program focus on actually
treating the myopia progression.
Our Myopia Control Clinic utilize many different methods of myopia management depending on the needs and risk of progression of the patient.
Ask us on how we can make a difference
for your child.
My Kid's Vision is a free online tool that helps parents assess and manage myopia risks
for their kids.
CBC News
Is your child's eyesight getting worse?
It could be due to online learning, experts say.
Worsening myopia could be linked to online learning,
study finds.
Dr Albert Ng points to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Ophthalmology that found "home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic appeared to be associated with a significant myopic shift for children aged six to eight years."
2021 Journal of American Medical Association, JAMA: Chinese study suggests link between online learning and rapidly worsening nearsightedness.
Researchers in China compared annual eye screenings of 123,535 children aged six to 13 from 2015 to 2020. They found alarming rates of myopia progression in children in a region that was locked down for six months. Some needed corrective lenses 1.4 to three times higher than they had needed in the previous five years before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Debbie Jones, a clinical professor at the School of Optometry and Vision Science at the University of Waterloo, says kids who need high lens prescriptions for myopia at an early age run the risk of even more serious eye conditions when they get older.
"With high prescriptions, there's all sorts of risks of long term effects, such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal degeneration that can have a significant impact on vision," she said.
"Also, the impact of higher prescriptions is they may be less eligible for refractive surgery, for example laser surgery, when they're older or the results may be less successful."
She recommends children see an eye specialist early and often and that screen time be limited if possible or simply take a break every 20 minutes.
While Dr Ng does prescribe (AOK Eye Braces) corrective lenses and special drops (Atropine) that can slow myopia in children — he agrees there are simple solutions that could help improve their vision and eye health down the road.
"First of all, number one is to get outside," he said.
"So, if they have a break one to one and a half hours outside, the bright light helps reduce the risk of progression in myopia."
Source: CBC News
see link below
OMNI TV 電視新聞: 近視控制 Myopia Control
專訪: 疫情令小朋友近視加深 — May 14, 2021 (ON)
疫情關係, 過去一年多以來, 新常態是不論大人及小朋友, 都會在家工作或上網上課程, 長時對著電腦螢幕及手機, 最近有美國硏究顯示, 疫情下小朋友的近視加深情況加劇, 情況到底有多嚴重? 有甚麼方法可以改善或避免? 專訪吳士英眼科醫生.
Fairchild TV News 新時代電視新聞
《美國醫學會雜誌 JAMA》上發表的一篇最新文章發現,在過去6-9個月(COVID-19)期間,居家令似乎對6至8歲兒童的近視加深有明顯影響。許多眼科醫生發現年幼的孩子的近視增加 -100 至 -200度。
Mingpao Daily News 明報 - 「上網課長對電腦 學童視力趨惡化」
「⋯⋯ 滑鐵盧大學(University of Waterloo)視光學和視覺科學學院的臨牀教授瓊斯醫生(Dr. Debbie Jones)說,年輕時需要高鏡片近視處方的孩子,隨着年齡的增長,會面臨更嚴重的眼部疾病風險。她建議孩子們盡早、經常地去看眼科專家,如果可以的話,限制看屏幕的時間,或者每20分鐘休息一下。⋯⋯」
8歲男孩Ambrose Tam表示,當學校在秋天轉到虛擬課堂,而他不得不整天坐在電腦前,他注意到自己的視力愈來愈差。他說:「當我看着屏幕時,很多東西都是模糊的。」他要配矯正眼鏡,以減緩近視的發展。
他的母親Silky Tsang說,她非常肯定兒子迅速惡化的近視與網課有關。她說:「他們看屏幕的時間愈多,花在其他事情上的時間就愈少。有些是必需在網上進行的,但我們希望看到更多在戶外的活動。」
專門治療近視的驗光師吳士英醫生(Dr. Albert Ng)及Ambrose的眼科醫生說,他注意到他年輕病人中的新趨勢:近視在短時間內急劇惡化。
滑鐵盧大學(University of Waterloo)視光學和視覺科學學院的臨牀教授瓊斯醫生(Debbie Jones)說,年輕時需要高鏡片近視處方的孩子,隨着年齡的增長,會面臨更嚴重的眼部疾病風險。她建議孩子們盡早、經常地去看眼科專家,如果可以的話,限制看屏幕的時間,或者每20分鐘休息一下。
Source: OMNI TV 電視新聞, 明報 Ming Pao Newspaper & FairchildTV News 新時代電視
myopia increase your risk of retina detachment, myopic macular degeneration, glaucoma & early cataract development .
no myopia is safe
early intervention & control flatten the progression curve faster
Why is 近視控制 myopia control important?
To reduce the risk of serious eye diseases.
These are some of the ways we can slow down and not add to the progression of myopia .
To receive the full benefits of this treatment and ensure maximum eye health, patients must adhere
to recommended lens care and wear procedures and to return for periodic progress evaluations.
Studies showed children age 8-12 are safer contact lens wearers than teens & adults
with a lower rate of infection.
We provide same day emergency appointments.
Copyright © 2020 http://dralbertng2010eye.com/ - All Rights Reserved.
photography: stock & Dr Albert S. Y. Ng, OD, FAAO
While we try to inform you of your OHIP eligibility before your eye exam, we are only able to assess your final eligibility for OHIP after your doctor has examined your eyes.
Masks are still required for your visit as per the guidelines from Ministry of Health
i-Blog: April 8 Solar Eclipse Safety 日食安全
Myopia Control Information 近視控制資訊